The top 5 things to do this summer to brush up on your English skills.

The top 5 things to do this summer to brush up on your English skills.

We’re brushing off those cold chills of the previous months and are now welcoming in the beautiful warm months of summer. Alongside the glorious sun and warmer temperatures, comes plenty more free time than usual and that means, time to brush up on those English skills which have been gathering dust in the corner.

So what Top 5 Things can we do this summer to brush up on some of those skills? Here’s a small list of things that we think you can do to keep practicing English.

  1. Read a book that takes your interest.
    If you’re into those summer romances or dark autumn thrillers, find a book that interests you. You’ll be sure to pick up a lot of new words and phrases. Reading also helps to improve your writing and speaking skills and will be sure to build up your confidence.
  2. Get out those summer tunes!
    Every summer, the radio will play fresh playlists with new pop music to make you feel good during the summer. Turn on your radio and practice your listening skills by listening to the funny conversations the radio show hosts have and then dance along to the music.
  3. Start a journal. A journal is a wonderful and private way to develop your writing skills. Give yourself a small goal every day, for example a word count and try to reach that goal every day. For example, start small, 20 words or so and then every day, aim for a little more. You can write about anything! Say what you ate for breakfast or write any thoughts that come to your mind. If you do this every day for a month, you’ll be amazed at how much more you will be able to write!
  4. Find a local language meet-up! Many people will be on the same language learning journey as yourself and that means there will always be someone, somewhere asking for people to meet up and practice speaking. Look online and see who’s meeting up in public places such as restaurants and bars. This is a great and cheap way to meet new people and practice those language skills.
  5. For my final tip, why not find someone to give you some lessons! There are plenty of people online (especially in the current COVID situation) who are offering online language lessons. Brown Cow, for example offers lessons at an affordable price! They’re very flexible, often cheaper than in classroom courses and are completely tailored to whatever you need!

Those are my top 5 things that I encourage all of my pupils to do! They help listening, reading, writing and speaking skills and best of all, it keeps you learning and keeps you busy!

If you’d like to find out more about online lessons, get in touch with one of our advisors!

Summer picture, people on the beach